Environment & Community


Environmental and Social Responsibility

Asara is committed to local economic development under the principle of “do no harm.” We use best practice environmental remediation and sustainable exploration techniques, ensuring the integrity of the local environment and entrusting it to future generations. We are driven by values of diversity, inclusivity, trust, respect, and integrity.

Niger River

Community welcoming ceremony

Repairing local infrastructure & roads

Employed local staff and management

Community Initiatives

Empowering Locals Through Economic Development.

We are proud to have strong and beneficial partnerships with locals – because locals are stakeholders. We exclusively employ local staff and management, engage local services, and buy or hire local products.

In addition, we invest in repairing roads, building water wells, and other amenities to assist community development in the regions where we operate. Asara sponsors education programs, local sports and community events to support our local stakeholders.

Supporting Local Education

Students receiving their books

Enhancing local education with extra resources.

We are pleased to be able to assist the local surrounding communities by donating much needed books to the schools where teachers and students are now better equipped.